Blogtober Update and Announcement!

What’s up readers? It’s the 15th day of Blogtober! If you don’t know what Blogtober is, it is a series I am conducting that starts from the first of October wherein I post on my blog everyday until Halloween. πŸŽƒπŸ“–πŸ“šπŸπŸƒπŸ‚β€

It’s halfway through October and I’m so happy with how Blogtober is turning out to be. I’m enjoying it as much as I expected when I first came up with this idea. Thanks to your comments, I get excited to write a new post everyday. I really enjoy reading them and responding to you guys. As long as I have you guys, I won’t feel alone.

I’m planning to do a giveaway after Blogtober ends and I want to ask you guys what you want to receive from me so comment down below what you want the prize to be. It can be any book or stationery I mentioned in my previous posts or anything else you like.

Did you enjoy this post? Want more posts like this? If you do, you can click on the follow button to be notified everytime I write a new post. πŸ˜„

Also, I’m doing an Instober (Instagram version of Blogtober) so ifΒ  you’re interested, you can follow me on InstagramΒ 
@flexireads. See you there!

Don’t Miss A Day of Blogtober! πŸ˜„

Blogtober Day 1: October Book Releases

Blogtober Day 2: Ask Me Anything

Blogtober Day 3: Q and A with Flexi Reads

Blogtober Day 4: Book Haul 3

Blogtober Day 5: September 2017 Book Wrap Up

Blogtober Day 6: Books to Read This Fall 2017

Blogtober Day 7: The Billion Dollar Spy by David Hoffman Book Review

Blogtober Day 8: Relatable to Book Lovers

Blogtober Day 9: Tea Haul

Blogtober Day 10: Favorite Lines from The Billion Dollar Spy

Blogtober Day 11: Stationery Haul 2

Blogtober Day 12: Fall Decorations for Book Lovers

Blogtober Day 13: Favorite Lines From The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom

Blogtober Day 14:Β Blogtober Day 14: Why L. A. Pourquoi Paris? Book Review

Thank you for reading and cheers to more books!

