Convenience Store Japanese Vocabulary

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Convenience store in Japanese is コンビニエンス ストア (kombiniensu sutowa) but since it is too long, they cut it short which became コンビニ (combini)

Convenience stores have become more well, convenient because you can do almost everything without having to go to the city to run errands.

You can now pay your water and electric bills in the “combini,” photocopy and send fax, buy concert tickets, and they even have home delivery service.

So without further ado, here are the vocabularies that will come in handy the next time you visit the “combini.”

1. コピー (kopee)


2. ファクス (fakusu) or ファックス (fakkusu)

Fax (machine)

3. 宅配便の受付


Takuhaibin no uketsuke

Home Delivery Service

4. ATM (ey chi emu)


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5. 公共料金の支払い


Koukyou ryoukin no shiharai

Payment of public utility charges (water bills/electric bills etc.)

6. はがき


7. 切手 (きって) Kitte


8. コンサート チケット

Konsaato chiketto

Concert ticket

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